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FriendoMart is a collaboration between 4 SecondLife stores: Anticow, DemoDeath, Depressive Pastel, and Tiny Threads

    What is Tiny Threads?

    Tiny Paws
    Tiny Paws

    Posts : 75
    Join date : 2017-09-14
    Age : 28
    Location : Maryland
    Job/hobbies : Tiny Threads Owner

    What is Tiny Threads? Empty What is Tiny Threads?

    Post by Tiny Paws Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:46 pm

    Sooooooooooo Tiny Threads is made by me (Tiny Paws) and is a part of FriendoMart (duhh.) When I started Tiny Threads I really just wanted to make some lindos after I found out I had the super amazing ability to put an image on top of another image. After some time, Anticow Goods (Gypsinessity), Depressive Pastel (TDDashie), DemoDeath (Demo The Meeper), and I decided it was time to buy a shop. Demo owned a store under DemoDeath in a small mall at a place with a little bit of traffic and she suggested we set up in the store next to her. Problem is, since we were new to SL, we had a very small amount of lindens and couldn't all individually afford a shop. To combat this Gypsi, TD, and I decided to share the store under the name FriendoMart (since we were all friendos with each other.) Thus FriendoMart was born, but we were now inspired with a different motive. We had become regulars of a club and noticed that it was connected to a store, and that's when we decided to make FriendoMart a place where people can hang out. But the owner of that place was mean to us so we decided to be way more cool.

    Anyways, long story short we have a store and a forum now and we hope to continue to grow until we have the whole world as our friendo. By this point I'm sure more observant readers will find that i have talked very little of Tiny Threads individually and spent way more time talking about FriendoMart, this is because I have spent more time building FriendoMart than i have building my own store. I do have a few small stores around SL as Tiny Threads, but I'm much more proud of the growth that we have made as a group. So support Tiny Threads or not but please give FriendoMart a fair chance, we have all worked very hard to make this as inviting a place as possible.

    TL;DR Tiny Threads is stupid please kill me

    To the hope that we can all grow together as friendos,
    - What is Tiny Threads? 3815850248

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